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This research focuses in traditional village of Kuta having integrated tourism facilities for facilities addressed to krama (member) of traditional village. Cultural capital does not state firmly its function for member of traditional village of Kuta, but also its significant performance in giving solution outside cultural problem, namely tourism development. Within individual level, in one side i.....

The existence of tourist guide faces big challenge in the global era. The success of their service will depent not only on the understanding on Balinese culture aspect that productive in nature related to Hindu and custom or tradition, but also on the ability to explain the reproductive nature of the culture based on tourism market demand and torist’s satisfaction. With an understanding on the p.....

Sebagai suatu bentuk teater, arja merupakan seni teater yang sangat kompleks, karena merupakan perpaduan dari berbagai jenis kesenian yang hidup di Bali, seperti seni tari, seni drama, seni vokal, seni instrumental, seni puisi, seni peran, seni pantomin, seni busana, seni rupa dan sebagainya. Semua jenis seni yang bersatu dalam arja dapat saling menyatu padu seperti halnya seni suara yang bertangg.....

Umat Hindu di Bali dan Bayunggede khususnya mengenal dua cara melangsungkan perkawinan,yaitu memadik dan ngerered. Walaupun pihak keluarga perempuan telah merestui perkawinannya, tetapi pada saat perkawinan dilakukan,kedua pengantin harus tinggal di pemondokan selama belum dilaksanakan upacara mapaserah. Ketentuan ini berlaku untuk semua pengantin bagi anggota masyarakat Desa Pakraman Bayunggede. .....

Hindu community in Bali is classified as a religious community because almost every activity that they have done started by ceremony first. Religious ceremony performed is very diverse both in type and form. Diversity is a description of the five main types of yadnya (Dewa or God Yadnya, Rsi Yadnya, Pitra or ancestor yadnya, Manusa Yadnya, and Bhuta Yadnya). Among these yadnya ceremony, at pawon.....

Mithos atau dengeng merupakan sebuah ceritera yang aneh yang sulit difahami maknanya atau diterima kebenarannya. Mithos kadang-kadang juga dipakai sebagai sumber kebenaran dan menjadi alat pembenaran. Studi mythos telah lama menarik perhatian para ahli terutama para ilmuan Barat. Studi tersebut nampaknya juga tidak pernah mengalami kekeringan penafsiran. Teori-teori baru yang berusaha memberikan .....

Hindus in Bali carry out various yadnya almost every day. On of the yadnya is cremation ceremony. The ceremony was held as tribute to the deceased family. The tribute is conducted based on the belief that the souls of those who have passed away never die, but are still alive in the other unreal world. In addition it is believed that if his ancestors are in happiness, they will also try to help and.....

Almost all Hindus in Bali daily carry out various rituals (yadnya) namely the ritual known as Caru Rsigana. The rite is usually held not only in the home yard, but also in places which are sacralized by the local community. The Caru Rsigana is performed as a mean to neutralize (nyomia) the buhtakala to avoid their interfrence to human life and the environment. The Caru Rsigana utilize pretty muc.....