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Balinese society is known by outsiders as a religious and devout society to practice the teachings of religion. Running the teachings of religion by dedicating the punia (alms) with the way of dharma is yadnya towards the purpose of jagadhita life. The purpose of human life is for happiness in this world and life in nature there with the belief in the teachings of dharma. This objective is mentioned in detail of catur purusa artha, the four purposes of human life, namely dharma, artha, kama and moksa. In seeking artha and kama should always be based on dharma do not ever contradict dharma. If artha and kama are prosecuted, then dharma should be done first, no doubt that artha and kama will be obtained, it is unlikely that artha and kama are derived from the dharma (Kajeng, 1999: 15). Artha in the form of got given to the needy in accordance with the needs, giving with a sweet sweaty hearty and happy joy, pleasant words of heart, greeting a friendly, to make people satisfied to receive it that alms with sincerity. Alms with sincerity is yadnya satwika that is given to people who are in need. Wealth will be beneficial, if someone always donate it for the sake of humanity. It is also dedicated to religion as to make temples. Wealth which is more than the necessities and the advantages it is donated is called dana (fund) (Somvir, 2011: 53).

The Sincerity Of Punia In Accordance To Dharma Yajna Satwika Towards Jagadhita Life (Cek Similarity)

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18 June 2019


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