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Ceremony as one of the Hindu way of expressing gratitude and thanks to the God who created the universe and its contents, including human beings and all beings, the ancestors who have given birth, caring, nurturing of young adulthood, and a great rsi has taught a variety of knowledge and life skills. Ceremonies in Hinduism is not a form of debt (RNA) for God, ancestors, or the maha rsi. The procession ceremony always an element of yantra, mantra and mudra, which is an integral power of the breath of life magical Balinese Hindus. from here he went on to a variety of artifacts and ritual traditions cultural art form, it can be used as a commodity for tourism tourist attraction in the development of cultural tourism. problem then arises, why Siwaistik Tantric traditions in different types of ceremonies are not optimally interpreted as a golden ways easiest to improve the welfare, happiness and peace of life mentally and physically? tradition, culture and ceremony lack of support tourism entrepreneurs thus losing the power to give life guidance and morality guards love between manners Bali. Balinese lifestyle that is based on the conception that Tri Hita Karana easily swept capitalism tourism. Soil, water, air, which is part of the five mahabhuta no longer sacred, but a commodity and some have been contaminated waste. Bhuta Yadnya ceremonies are often held in the form of small degree to the largest Caru Ekasata Ekadasa Rudra, further understood and practiced according essence of Tri Hita Karana which are expected to maintain the survival of Balinese Hindus.

Ceremony, Golden Ways, Welfare Hindus

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Tanggal Terbit
27 February 2017


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