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Activities and creativity karyasiswa Graduate Institute of Hindu Dharma Denpasar District interpret early 2014 to organize a workshop on the theme ballad “Song Genre Contemporary Art and Line Dance” in Culture heralds Bali on January 25, 2014. Highly attractive appreciated and discussed because the activity and creativity implies a critical power, responsive, creative and innovative karyasiswa as master and doctoral candidate in the field of science Hinduism boom amid global civilization that marked the progress of science and technology. Creativity karyasiswa this as sign (sign) is the “marker” academics who wrestled in Higher Education Hinduism, in a global era supposedly able to transform and actualize the teachings of Hinduism in an interdisciplinary manner; This workshop is not formally implemented but packaged in the form of art, the art of staging contemporary matembang kidung clad dance, presenting a painter who captures the meaning of the words in the hymn shades on canvas. Artistic creativity culture laden speech religiosity as a transformation of the teachings of Hinduism innovation that will be presented in terms of space time daily, cross- cultural harmony and unity in the country framed diversity.Makidung be part of the process of yoga; if thoughts, words, and actions creativity through arts and culture, values menembangkan life wisdom across time and space to the brilliance of heart and mind.

Innovation, Transformation, Song, Hinduism.

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Tanggal Terbit
27 February 2017


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