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This article is the cultivation of research on trend contested divorce among Muslims, it is in Ambon. A different view, the result presented that although the conflict are long gone, the collective memory of the Ambonese was traumatic on the shadow of conflict gripping. But now they have started to organize the life and proceeds to strengthen its identity as a rich and cultural city, social institution and local wisdom. Some local wisdom, siwalima and tiga batu tungku becomes the important cultural heritage for Ambonese to harmony. Siwalima is an entity related to monodualistic cosmology containing the values of family, kinship and brotherhood. While tiga batu tungku is three foundation that is supported by the priest-king-traditional leaders, used to study religion, to solve their problem, including the conflict in the household. Two local wisdoms are the set of social mechanisms and forms of flexibility of culture in solving problem. After the conflict, it appears deeper awareness into the culture siwalima wombs and tiga batu tungku had been glorifying the Ambonese. This method is a dialogue of life that result is projected to face global challenges and the better future of Ambon.

siwalima, tiga batu tungku, local wisdom, Ambon, harmony

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ISBN: 978-602-60568-7-0
Tanggal Terbit
16 March 2017


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