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Bali astrology has become one of the spiritual tourism destinations. This search led to interfaith dialogue between Balinese astrologers and foreign tourists. This interfaith dialogue is often a mocking act that unleashes the essential meaning of Balinese astrology, thus in theory leading to commodification. However, this dialogue proved to be meaningful for foreign tourists to improve themselves through astrology so that what emerged was an appreciation of the local culture. This gap between theory and practice raises the research problem of the dialogue that led to the understanding of this Balinese astrology. This study found that this dialogue raises an understanding because the dialogue has fulfilled the terms of the dialogue that is a whole, open and disciplined person. Therefore, Bali's astrology as a spiritual tourism destination gives meaning to the attitude of life of foreign tourists to improve itself, although the attitude of foreign tourists is different in this case that is between follow the astrologers and choose their own way. The attitude of foreign tourists is the result of dialogue which is an associative social process.

Bali Astrology, Interfaith, Dialogue, Understanding

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Brahma Widya

Tanggal Terbit
11 May 2018


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