Repositori ni wayan budiasih

The Indian Tantras, which are numerous, constitute the Scripture (Shastra) of the Kaliyuga, and as such are the voluminous source of present and practical orthodox "Hinduism." The Tantra Shastra is, in fact, and whatever be its historical origin, a development of the Vaidika Karmakanda, promulgated to meet the needs of that age. Shiva says: "For the benefit of men of the Kali age, men bereft of en.....

This paper examines strategies for improving the quality of education seen from Hinduism. The quality of education in Indonesia today is allegedly still low. Low education quality is caused by various factors, such as: the low quality of teachers, the education system is still poor, welfare of teachers is very low, less student interest in learning and so forth. To answer all the problems, some of.....

Tanaman upakara di Bali dewasa ini semakin keberadaannya langka. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh adanya penggunaan yang terus-menerus sementara menanaman yang dilakukan sangat sedikit. Oleh karena itu tidak dipungkiri bahwa suatu ketika tanaman yang bisa digunakan sebagai bahan untuk upakara di Bali akan habis dan sepenuhnya didatangkan dari luar. Kondisi ini sangat tidak baik bagi Bali. Untuk itu Bali p.....