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Manusia adalah makhluk yang diciptakan oleh Yang Maha Suci, karena itu manusia selalu merindukan yang suci. Salah satu yang membuat kerinduan akan kesucian ini muncul adalah rasa rindu kita terhadap rasa tenang dan damai. Kebahagiaan dapat saja muncul jika segala keinginan terpuaskan, namun dengan terpuaskan dahaga kebahagiaan belum tentu sejalan dengan hati yang damai. Ini terjadi karena setelah.....

Jantung merupakan salah satu organ terpenting dalam tubuh, karena jantung memiliki fungsi yang kompleks, tidak hanya memberikan oksigen untuk diedarkan keseluruh tubuh dan membersihkan seluruh tubuh dari karbondioksida, tapi jantung juga memiliki fungsi penting lainnya yakni memompa darah keseluruh tubuh. Agar jantung dapat sehat dan berfungsi normal maka pola hidup yang sehat dan olahraga yan.....

The main identity that distinguishes a Javanese and other ethnic groups is the Java language. According to Maria A. Sandjono, Java people ethnically form the majority of population in Indonesia. Java people is characterized by Java language. Marbangun H. said that all of the Javanese is culturally one. They think and feel like their ancestors that Central Java, the city of Yogyakarta and Solo as c.....

Philosophy of cremation is returning the five elements of nature called panca maha bhuta to its origin. The human body consists of five elements namely pertiwi, apah, teja, bayu and akasa. Those fifth element coupled by the atman, the mind and ahamkara for human body. People die means it is returned to their home in order to blend with the original element. The element of fire back to the fire,.....

In Kumendung Village, Muncar Banyuwangi, know salvation tradition during pregnancy, childbirth and the kanak-kanak/tedhak siten. This tradition is still running until now Implement community is very obedient. Implementation of this tradition is similar to others such as the implementation of the Java community in the palace tradition which always perform traditional Javanese ritual as can be seen .....

Pura Agung Besakih is a big temple which is devided to many temple according to the direction arround Besakih. The heritage is viewed from the concept Sad Winayaka and Padmabhuwana. The basic of the concept derive from the theology “Wyapi wyapaka “ which has meaning that God is exist in all side of the world. Chandogya Upanisad IV.2.1 said Ekam Eva Adityam Brahman. The verse mean that God is o.....