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To examine the issue in accordance with the topics in each study, researchers used several theories in an eclectic, meaning that all theories are complementary and can not stand sendiri.dalam assess any problems in qualitative research methods commonly used to examine the social phenomenon of cultural, religious phenomena, and phenomena related to the humanities, cultural or social theory was often known as critical social theory. Critical Social Theory paradigm adopted the thinking of Karl Marx’s social theory, which gives attention to the liberation of the people or groups who are oppressed and marginalized because of social change. This theory can critically examine the contradictions that occur in society and trying to find the root cause to dismantle what was hidden and make the implicit becomes explicit. In this paper the author assisted with several theories, such theories (1) The theory of hegemony, (2) Deconstruction Theory. , (3) Social Exchange Theory; (4) The theory of commodification. Used this theory to facilitate understanding of the diversity paradigm, perspective in observing reality, that truth is no longer singular, not fixed, but the plural and changing in line with the development of human culture. This theory rejected the idea that totalitarian, then smooth the sensitivity to differences and expand the capabilities of tolerance to the reality that is not measurable. From the perspective of critical social theory, particularly the theory of deconstruction pospiritualitas emergence of the phenomenon in the ritual procession of Hindus in Bali at the center of tourism development. Pospiritualitas is bercampuraduknya values of materialism, bersekutunya the earthly with the divine, the transcendent bersimpangsiurnya with the immanent.

Theory of Deconstruction, Pospiritualitas, Ritual, Hindu

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Tanggal Terbit
27 February 2017


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